About Natalia PH
Natalia Przybylska-Hansson (Natalia PH Lovetarian )
- A Spiritual Guide, Creatrix of The Lovetarian Way Movement, Podcast host, speaker, entrepreneuress, presenter, researcher and a passionate whole foods plant based lover, certified by eCornell in plant-based nutrition.
Natalia dedicates her life to her mission and vision of empowering & uplifting awakening Souls to assist them on their journeys to embody their Unique MagicK.
She spent 1000s of hours in research, contemplation & study to ground the insights she's been receiving from her Higher Self & Spiritual team in Light to be able to guide and lead with inspiration & wisdom.
Natalia completed numerous trainings and courses in the field of quantum physics, energy medicine, kundalini yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, medical meditation, hypnosis, quantum hypnosis, sacred geometry, quantum healing, nutrition, fitness and more.
She practises what she teaches, embodying the wisdom with passion & enthusiasm, with her mind and heart open, very aware of how little we actually do know, yet excited about how much is coming to light from all over the galaxies!
Natalia is always expanding her knowledge base, humbled by how much she's already received from her Higher self and family in light.
She is also a certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner, Belief Clearing & NLP Practitioner, Coach, Mentor, Guide a Sophia Circle Journeys Facilitator and an enlightened business owner where she seeks to work in the Spirit of Win Win Win Solutions.
She mentions some of her mentors in the Recommended Resources section.
In life, previous to her spiritual awakening, initiated in 2009, Natalia received extensive international education and studied at several European Universities & Institutions.
Having grown up in communist Poland, she experienced the amazing shift in consciousness of the world after 1989.
She observed the rebirth and transformation of her birth country from communism to freedom which further inspired her to spread her own wings.
In 2017, Natalia realised that many people (including herself at the time) aren’t truly experiencing Unconditional Self Love.
It struck her that the majority of people know and accept this concept yet they’re not living it — and that’s why they often feel stuck and frustrated.
Since this realisation, she began developing further tools and techniques to help people embody the creative power of Unconditional Self Love.
During very deep meditations, in 2020, Natalia received a vision which led her to create - The Lovetarian Way.
It’s a way of living driven by Unconditional Self Love, which gives people power, courage, and tools necessary to co-create their Heaven on Earth.
The Lovetarian Way empowers them to stand in their Sovereignty, embody their Unique MagicK & love themselves unconditionally.
She's been guiding people to thrive
& prosper with the principles of
The 4 Pillars of the Lovetarian Way.

Throughout her life, Natalia has been implementing the insights of her Higher self into her businesses to prove to herself that indeed, we can achieve anything in the so called 3D reality when we live as Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
Together with her husband, Joakim she operated a company with hundreds of employees in Poland which had been a great self exploratory experience and set her on a path of deep introspection.
After 2009 when she received the powerful download from her Higher Self ( more on that in Natalia's Story ), she was inspired to test the waters even more.
Natalia realised one of her dreams, by taking a huge leap of faith and moving to Spain, in 2012.
With no certainty of the future, yet faith in her heart, her work and vision soon materialised.
Natalia became a partner in a film production company - UP NOW Costa Blanca, where she truly applied her quantum knowledge, acquiring a sponsorship of over 350 businesses for the production of 27 documentary style infomercials about the region of the Costa Blanca, Spain.
The films are still bringing joy and helping people make an educated choice to visit or relocate to this gorgeous area of the world.
She was also a presenter in the films.
You can tune into the films by clicking >>> HERE.
Around the production of the last 2 films, her Soul called her to fully step into the role of a guide for awakening Souls once again.
The UP NOW is currently run by Natalia's former business partner
- Theo Newton - a Danish New age composer and a film producer.
All the experiences and insights gained through multicultural education, lifestyle, conducting business and perceiving reality had broaden Natalia's perspective enormously.
She's been able to relate to people in many walks of life.
Natalia had the pleasure of interviewing Presidents, government officials, trail blazers, movers and shakers of the world.
Since 2013, Natalia has been a partnered & counsellor in Win Win Win Marketing consultancy working together with her husband Joakim.
This enlightened business has been evolving more and more into Win Win Win Solutions - a publishing house focusing on promoting the Lovetarian work of conscious Creatrices & Creators all over the globe!
And all of her multinational, multidimensional experiences shaped her into becoming a Master Guide on the Lovetarian Way, in joy, passion, wisdom and humble confidence:)
Now in her late 40s, Natalia lives as a multidimensional Energy Being having a fabulous human experience on a mission to fully bring her visions of The Lovetarian Way into the world.
In 2020, Natalia has started working on the first, foundational book for The Lovetarian Way and building The Lovetarian Way Movement
She founded a Facebook Community - The Lovetarian Way, and offers empowering guidance via her video series:
The Lovetarian Way Podcast
The Lovetarian Way Show on Spiritual Psychics TV.
From our Hearts to Yours!
Team Win Win Win Solutions,
The Lovetarian Way
Connect with Natalia on her Social Media at: