Hello Beautiful Lovetarians
On my own journey I have come across and been inspired by thousands of amazing Souls and it's literally impossible to honour all of them on these pages.
I did want to create a Recommended Resources Page for You though, as the voices I selected have been repeatedly assisting me on my journey and those are the ones I have been going back to most often.
I consider them universally helpful and in the powerful collection below, anyone can find empowering knowledge.
Whether you are more "convinced" by scientific proof or prefer to be guided by your inner knowing and spiritual teachers, the mentors I have been working with are amazing.
And will be of great help, as they have been to me throughout my lifetime.
Ever since I chose to answer the calling of my Soul, in 2009, and show up for my mission of building the legacy of love & light & spiritual guidance, I needed to back the visions, the insights I've been receiving by scientific proof, to convince my own Ego mind to align with the calling of my heart.
I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going "crazy":)
Sounds funny now, it wasn't so at the beginning.
( If you'd like to read more about MY STORY, click >>> HERE )
I have been silencing what I call the voice of My Higher Self, my Soul for a very long time.
And eventually in 2009 I let go and gradually, as my belief was getting more & more "outside" proof by reading a lot, researching a lot, I was astounded to find out that there is a whole world of awakening people teaching and guiding others, as I had been inspired to, for a very long time.
The people I chose to recommend are amazing teachers & guides whom I consider my mentors, inspirations, bright lights in this incredible collective Awakening we have been experiencing all over the world.
From My heart to Yours
I present you with...
My Mentors in Body & Some in Spirit
Hello Beautiful Lovetarians ,
On my own journey I have come across and been inspired by thousands of amazing Souls and it's literally impossible to honour all of them on these pages. I did want to create a Recommended Resources Page for You though, as the voices I selected have been repeatedly assisting me on my journey and those are the ones I have been going back to most often.
I consider them universally helpful and in the powerful collection below, anyone can find empowering knowledge.
Whether you are more "convinced" by scientific proof or prefer to be guided by your inner knowing and spiritual teachers, the mentors I have been working with are amazing and will be of great help, as they have been to me throughout my lifetime.
Ever since I chose to answer the calling of my Soul, in 2009, and show up for my mission of building the legacy of love & light & spiritual guidance, I needed to back the visions, the insights I've been receiving by scientific proof, to convince my own Ego mind to align with the calling of my heart.
I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going "crazy":)
Sounds funny now, it wasn't so at the beginning.
( If you'd like to read more about MY STORY, click >>> HERE )
I have been silencing what I call the voice of My Higher Self, my Soul for a very long time and eventually in 2009 I let go and gradually, as my belief was getting more & more "outside" proof by reading a lot, researching a lot.
I was astounded to find out that there is a whole world of awakening people who have been teaching and guiding others, as I had been inspired to, for a very long time.
The people I chose to recommend are amazing teachers & guides whom I consider my mentors, inspirations, bright lights in this incredible collective Awakening we have been experiencing all over the world.
From My heart to Yours
I present to You,
My Mentors in Body & Some in Spirit
Creating Your Heaven on Earth, Power of NOW
The Spiritual Teachers, Coaches & Guides I chose to present in this section have been my mentors and inspirations as their journey gave me the courage to continue embracing & developing my relationship with my Higher Self, my Spiritual Light Family, Ascended Masters, Angelic teachers & ancestors.
And... to truly love myself totally, completely & unconditionally, believing in my own Divinity, my own inner power, my own inner guidance.
Thank you All:)
The Spiritual Teachers, Coaches & Guides I chose to present in this section have been my mentors and inspirations as their journey gave me the courage to continue embracing & developing my relationship with my Higher Self, my Spiritual Light Family, Ascended Masters, Angelic teachers & ancestors.
And... to truly love myself totally, completely & unconditionally, believing in my own Divinity, my own inner power, my own inner guidance.
Thank you All:)
Brian D. Ridgway - "The Spellbreaker"
Brian, wow, my friend, my Spiritual brother, my business partner, my mentor. This guy is a dude amongst dudes, totally chill and in his I AM Presence.
I see him as a Modern Mystic, others call him "The Spellbreaker".
Brian's unique gift allows him to see right into our Being, ours as he calls them "spells", the limiting belief systems, BS we adopted as our truths, and he helps us dispel them, release them, free ourselves from any and all illusions to experience the truth of who we are, how powerful we are!
I included this short video of Brian to give you a quick glimpse into his amazing work, and also in the further section below.
I present you with his breath work video which - if you truly tune in - will assist you in liberating a lot of energy which no longer serves your highest and best good:)
BTW, when I committed to Brian's process called: "Breathe of Life 2.0", right after my 44th birthday in 2020, I had my own breakthrough experience and....
I received the vision of The Lovetarian Way!
You can read more about it by clicking >>> HERE
For you to have your own experience with Brian's work & get to know him more, click the button below for more info.
Eckhardt Tolle
I can only describe Eckhardt Tolle as a New Buddha, his energy, his entire Being is one of Presence, Peace, and such delight to just be around...
His awakening happened on the verge of suicide and by Divine Grace he was "healed", balanced, totally and completely clear and awakened to the nature of our Universe...
And he birthed "A New Earth" which took the world by the storm years ago, spreading all over the world in millions of copies.
I spent countless hours studying with Eckhardt Tolle, experiencing my I AM Presence, deepening in my own awakening, having phenomenal mystical experiences.
To know more about his work, click the button below.
Louise Hay
Wow, my Spiritual Mother - Louise Hay has been one of the first influences on my life and helped me expand my perspective on what is possible for me, for my life, for the world!
This Goddess is the Mamma of Affirmations and she has gifted those to us for generations to last, she inspired millions upon millions to look into their eyes, doing the mirror work and confess:
"I love myself and I approve of myself just as I am"
These magicKal words are transformational and if we truly commit to feeling them as we speak them - the world is our oyster.
No words can honour Louise's legacy enough, I hope that the Lovetarian Way will further add to her work, as she is certainly the one who taught me to love myself unconditionally first, before anything else!
She passed several years ago, yet her light is immortal and keeps inspiring gazillions of people all over the globe!
Her legacy lives on.
To get to know to her work work & legacy, click the button below for more info.
Dr Hew Len & Dr Joe Vitale
Dr Len & Dr Vitale introduced Ho'oponopono to the world at large.
The book they've co-written called: "Zero limits" inspired millions to practise Ho'oponopono - an ancient, Hawaiian mantra of liberation, purification, forgiveness.
The mantra is:
- Please forgive me
- I Am Sorry
- I Love You
- Thank You
It helps us clean & clear our Energies to be able to co-create our life from IN-spiration, as oppose to data, memories which we all share through the quantum field.
Please watch the video I included here where Dr. Joe explains his encounter with Dr Len and the incredible story of healing which took place in Hawaii.
Byron Katie
This beautiful Teacher, taught me about self inquiry, about questioning my mind, questioning all and everything which stops us from getting truly present, being in the moment...
Once we do that, we get to unweave the complicated web of illusionary limitations adopted and co-created by us, for us, so that we can look deeply within and...awaken.
Byron Katie had her own near suicide moment and as she collapsed she didn't die, instead, she awakened and saw the truth of who we are!
She birthed the modality called "The Work" which helped me enormously through a lot of challenges in my life.
To get to know to her unique MagicK, please click the button below.
Kaia Ra, Sophia & The Dragon Tribe
Wow, to describe Kaia Ra's contribution to my awakening only a word - "MagicK" fits:)
She is an oracle, born into this world in a very highly awakened state.
Kaia Ra has been on an incredible mission to birth the codex of:
"The Sophia Code - a living transmission from the Dragon Tribe"
& The Sophia Code movement.
The Sophia is...
Mother Creatrix of All Life!
Through this codex - our Creatrix called - Sophia, introduces us to the Divine Feminine Ascended Masters to assist us on our journey of awakening, to unleash our fullest potential, to stand in our Sovereign Power, to co-create Heaven on Earth realities!
I will leave it up to you to feel through it, I know what I have been experiencing ever since I started my initiations with Sophia in July 2020.
In short - it catapulted me UP to a completely new level of awareness...
I also became a Certified Sophia Circle Leader and can facilitate journeys with the Ascended Masters, assisting anyone who resonates to awaken the Divinity within them.
I have chosen to include the video of Kaia Ra where she explains the 3 D Matrix which we are rising above with each person choosing to stand in their power.
To awaken what is called in "The Sophia Code" - "a divine genome" - a unique sequence of your own light codes that is yours and yours alone to realise in this magicKal lifetime!
To know more about this powerhouse of consciousness, click the button below.
Tonny Robbins
Wow, Tonny - Giant amongst Giants!
This powerhouse of Fire has been the first coach I had, he opened my eyes to see how powerful I am, what I could achieve, he showed me that there are no limits, only those in our minds!
His books, his lectures, courses, his master steps have been my guiding lights in the formative years as a coach & a counsellor.
Tonny Robbins has been touching gazillions of lifes, he's build an enormous empire of light, empowering millions all over the world to unleash the Giants within and build our own legacies.
Not enough words exists to describe the influence he had on my life, his never ending stamina, his life story.
And yes, his business acumen and expertise helped me believe in my own creative genius and unleash my fullest potential in a very grounded way.
I included one of his latest interviews from 2022, a timely one after what the world had experienced in the last 2 years.
Add his advice to your skill box and rise above any circumstances - inspired, empowered, tuned in!
To know about Tonny's work, click the button below
Science Meets Spirituality - with The 3 Amigos
The 3 Amigos, 3 amazing friends & scientists whose research has been groundbreaking & proving what the Spiritual Sages had been teaching us for eons:
- We are Powerful Co-creators of our Reality!
I am infinitely grateful for their courageous pursuits, even though their discoveries were not in alignment with the so-called main stream science, they have been persevering and had since enormously succeed!
As time went by, their work gathered momentum and is now absolutely, without a doubt transforming 3D paradigms!
My gratitude, my admiration, my respect, my love goes out to you All.
Thank you!
Science Meets Spirituality - with The 3 Amigos
The 3 Amigos, 3 amazing friends & scientists whose research has been groundbreaking & proving what the Spiritual Sages had been teaching us for eons:
- We are Powerful Co-creators of our Reality!
I am infinitely grateful for their courageous pursuits, even though their discoveries were not in alignment with the so-called main stream science, they have been persevering and had since enormously succeed!
As time went by, their work gathered momentum and is now absolutely, without a doubt transforming 3D paradigms!
My gratitude, my admiration, my respect, my love goes out to you All.
Thank you!
Dr. Joe Dispenza
The first of the 3 Amigos.
Doctor Joe Dispenza has done an enormous amount of work on proving that we can co-create our reality by the power of our minds!
His books, his teachings present us with 1000s of cases of people who heal themselves from what seemed impossible, people who create the most amazing lives, living their dreams.
Dr. Joe has been documenting brain scans, heart brain coherence measurements, and has given us an abundance of scientific evidence to back his phenomenal work to help co-create a world filled with love, health, peace, harmony.
What I call Heaven on Earth Reality.
Just the title of his latest book: "Becoming Supernatural" gives you a great idea, what's in store for you:)
Learn more about Dr. Joe's amazing work by clicking on the button below
Dr. Bruce Lipton
The second Amigo is an amazing Biologist, Epigenetics Expert - Dr. Bruce Lipton.
When I read his book:
"A biology of belief" I was beyond amazed.
I've chosen to present his full lecture here, so you can tune into his incredible wisdom and forever let go of a belief system that you cannot heal yourself, your life & co-create the most magical existence that you can imagine!
Read more about Dr. Lipton's astounding accomplishments by clicking the button below
Gregg Braden
Last but not least, Gregg Braden.
Wow, when I heard his talk on "The Divine Matrix" over 10 years ago, I felt like I found my Spiritual home:)
Gregg Braden's decades of research and travels all over the world allowed him to bridge science and spirituality making it undeniable and fascinating for anyone with a mind opened to practical wisdom.
He is the one who gave me "ultimate" proof that my Algorithm of Co-creation is not just a figment of my imagination, but an actual formula which can help anyone co-create their Heaven on Earth.
When I heard him quote the ancient teachers and showing the scientific evidence backing their wisdom, I was literally floored seeing my own visions backed by ancient sages & science!
I have chosen to include one of his latest videos which gives you a small taste of how accessible, clear and interesting Gregg Braden's teaching are.
To discover more about his phenomenal journey, click on the button below.
Care for The Temple of Your Spirit - Your Body
Donna Eden - Energy Medicine
This amazing lady has more than 50 years of teachings behind her belt.
Donna's story of her own healing is miraculous.
She has been a gifted, natural healer ever since she's remembered and initially had healed herself from life threatening diseases and then embarked on a mission to help others heal themselves.
Eden Energy Medicine is a wonderful creation, a gift Donna has given us, distilling from 1000s of energy movements she had been intuitively applying to her clients.
Helping them heal from all sorts of conditions, anything from fatigue and headaches, to cancer, diabetes, arthritis, auto immune disorders and a whole array of conditions and diseases which modern medicine can't help us with.
Donna's smile is contagious, her vivacious Spirit is amazing and I had the privilege to study her modalities for several years now and I keep astounding myself with what is possible by applying her techniques.
I've included her amazing morning routine to get your energies up and get ready for a fabulous day filled with joy & enthusiasm!
To learn more about Donna's work, click on the button below.
Tommy Rosen - Kundalini Yoga
I got to know to Tommy's work several years ago when I got inspired to practise Kundalini Yoga.
I was very interested in awakening my energies further with this modality and his story of recovery from alcohol & drug addiction had been very inspirational.
His energy is really beautiful, calm, composed, focused and very loving.
I've included Tonny's video of a Spinal Energy routine which I practise several times per week.
What is amazing about Kundalini yoga is a totality of this bodywork.
It might seem like it's not an intense workout, yet, not only do you get to move stagnant energies from your lower chakra up to the higher centers, clean and clear your body, energize your entire being.
You get to balance your entire being and end up feeling absolutely rejuvenated and rebirthed while practising your focus and connection to your Higher Self and our Creatrix/Creator.
Kundalini Yoga is one of my favorite yoga modalities combining mantras, mudras and movements which don't require acrobatics, just focus and you get to have a super workout generating enormous amounts of heat by performing seemingly easy poses.
To learn more about this modality and the great teacher Tommy is, click the button below.
Brain Education TV - Chinese Medicine
I came across this amazing channel a while ago and I've been loving their short, very practical videos to help us work with our Energy Centers, balancing and opening our meridians, balancing our entire being.
You get to finds hundreds of videos for whatever you might need, be it - back pain, stomach pain, liver cleanse, head ache, anger management, balancing your chakras, etc...
The instructors are very competent, super clear, fun, and anyone will find something to aid their body temple with
Discover the Brain science behind the teachings & Tune into the Channel by clicking the button below.
Brian D. Ridgway - "The Spell-breaker"
& The Breath of Life
I have already mentioned Brian, this video I needed you to see to initiate yourself into the power of Breath to help you balance your entire Being, boost your immune system, and of course experience the Infinite power of your eternal, Divine Being.
Click the button below to discover more about Brian and his work.
Forks over Knives - Plant Based Nutrition
My adventure with Plant Based nutrition started in 2012 when in a moment of clarity I looked into my dog's eyes and I thought: "I don't eat you, why do I eat a pig or a calf..."
Boom, nothing has been the same since.
I embarked on a mission of learning more about why we chose to eat animals, do we really need to, how to be the healthiest in our body temples, how to help Mamma Earth and the animals and one of the resources I went deeply into was "Forks over Knives" books and film.
And wow, I have been amazed by the power of plant based nutrition.
I got myself certified in how to nourish our body temples with plants only and I am forever grateful as not only do I feel healthier and happier, I am also helping Mother Earth and all her children thrive & prosper.
Whole foods plant based nutrition is one of the sub-elements of Pillar 4 of the Lovetarian Way - Embrace the Lovetarian Nourishment, alongside Breath work, Embracing love based energies in our thoughts, feelings, words, actions
( Read more about the 4 Pillars by clicking >>> HERE )
And to discover more about Plant based nutrition, to thrive in your body temple powered by plants, I chose to include this amazing movie.
Click the button below and see how you can help your body heal
Wim Hof - "The Iceman" - Healing Cold
Cold, ice, breathe - the Triad of healing as presented to the world by the Champion that Wim Hof is!
My Gosh, this guy has achieved what some might consider crazy!
He climbed the highest peaks of the world in his undies, he sat in ice water for hours, he dove under the ice establishing world record after world records and as amazing as it all is, the purpose is to...
Heal and Awaken!
He has proven to himself and the world, you can heal anything by applying his discoveries, you can heal from viral infections, bacterial infections, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and, and, and....
The list is never ending and he has done it because his personal life crumbled when his wife passed on and he fell into such depression he wanted to kill himself, yet...it was not the end of Wim!
Instead when he jumped into ice cold river he experienced awakening and started to share his finding with the world until after few years the world heard him he became one of the most amazing super humans known today, BUT...
As he says, it's nothing special, ANY-one can do and Dr. Joe Dispenza with the 3 amigos tell us exactly the same thing.
We can all become Supernatural, as in fact supernatural is the most natural state of our Being.
Everything but that is a result of limiting belief system we have adopted.
It can stop anytime you choose, you can step on your own journey and unleash your own unique MagicK!
Wim, has been guided & teaching people to heal themselves and since had helped millions to do so.
After observing his amazing feats, I had finally decided to do his training years ago and OMG - cold showers and his breathing techniques had been rejuvenating me ever since!
Thank you Wim!
To discover more about his work, click the button below.
The Lovetarian Way Podcast
AND.... Last but not least!
I need to recommend, I must recommend our own Creations:
- The 2 FREE Classes on how to Co-Create an Amazing Life of Your Dreams:
"From Frustration to Fulfilment" - click to watch >>> HERE
"Transform Your Life with the Lovetarian Way" - click to watch >>> HERE
The Lovetarian Way Podcast
The Lovetarian Way Show The classes are filled with amazing tools and techniques to empower & inspire you on your journey.
The conversations I conducted during podcasts with my fellow Lovetarians who chose to follow the path of their hearts.
To birth modalities, to bring forth amazing research, technologies and win win win solutions to co-create more of Heaven on Earth realities and rise above the 3D paradigms will ease & empower you further on your journey.
Enjoy, from our hearts to Yours

The Lovetarian Way Podcast
The Lovetarian Way Movement Podcast is a series of Interviews with
focused on bringing Win Win Win Solutions by embodying The Lovetarian Way.
Our mission & vision is introduce their Lightwork to awakening Souls seeking guidance and assistance on their inner journeys.
In so doing, we are contributing to the elevation of Humanityβs Consciousness by elevating ours.
We focus on embodying our Sovereignty, Unconditional Love & envision Heaven on Earth Realities where All Beings Thrive & Prosper, Living their Unique MagicKβ¦
Click the Button below to watch the browse the episodes
The Lovetarian Way Show on SPTVuk
The Lovetarian Way Show on SPTVuk
The Lovetarian Way Show with NataliaPHLovetarian offers a powerful guidance of The 4 Pillars of The Lovetarian Way, the wisdom of her Higher Self, her ancestors, guides as well as Ascended Masters in love & light.
The Show is filled with storytelling, tools & techniques to empower you to live & co-create Your Heaven on Earth Reality experiencing the best life You can live.
Thriving & prospering in Health, Wealth & Happiness, transcending All suffering by loving yourself Unconditionally.
Click the Button below to watch the browse the episodes