The Soul Food Newsletter
Broadcasting inspirational content has always been my passion ever since I first begun in 2011.
If you'd like to get your weekly dose of "Soul Food", get info about upcoming episodes of The Lovetarian Way Podcast, The Lovetarian Way Show, Live videos, etc...
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Here is a taste of my daily inspiration sent on Social Media & in a newsletter:

"Good Morning Beautiful
Do you feel it?
Do you cherish yourself every morning by looking into your wonderful eyes & declaring:
I feel it is my true nature, your true nature, our true nature
I experience it in my visions, insights, downloads, waking & dreamy dreams, in my daily experiences...
I choose to embody unconditional self love, self compassion, self forgiveness in the here and now & when I truly do, I embody unconditional love for All that is...
I choose The Lovetarian Way to be my MO daily.
I believe it is a Win Win Win Solution for all Beings.
I believe if one chooses to embody it, one chooses to liberate oneself from ALL Suffering...
And I believe the opposite to be true...
My point?
We get what we focus on, we experience what we deeply believe is true...
What we've chosen to adopt as our truths shall give us evidence of these truths every day.
What we keep thinking, feeling, acting out on, keeps manifesting as experiences according to these energies which we keep living over and over again.
All is energy vibrating at its own frequency, our thoughts, feelings, words, actions...
What do you believe Beautiful?
Love, light, truth, beauty, heaven on earth, peace, harmony, cooperation, unity, prosperity, gratitude, etc...
Fear, lies, war, scarcity, hell on earth, competition, poverty, miserliness, jealousy, meanness, etc...
Please understand me, there is O judgment here.
It is merely a vibrational alignment and empowered co-creation in alignment with your Super power, with your Higher Self vs. co-creation based on fear based programs, wounds of Ego-mind...
That's it...
So, what do you allow yourself to believe Beautiful Spiritual Sisters & Brothers?
Are you in alignment with your Higher Self, with your Heaven on Earth?
Do you still allow your Ego-mind to overrule your heart, your light, your belief in Heaven on Earth?
Either way, all is well...
We are all on a journey, we grow & evolve and my belief is that ALL Souls shall eventually remember that love & light is their true nature.
I'm proposing, remembering and guiding whoever wants to read it
on this quantum, inner bridge of The Lovetarian Way into our True Self...
Only YOU can choose and only YOU know the truth of your heart, only YOU can rebirth yourself & step into Your Heaven on Earth
I'm just sharing in love, light and my truth
With so much love
PS: If you'd like to receive your weekly dose of "Soul Food", please fill out the form below.